Investment Opportunities

- Transforming Lives
- Spurring Economic Growth
- Sustaining Nature Values
Investment opportunities in the Tana River Delta exist in primary production, value addition and processing.
Value Addition & Processing

Fruit Processing
Fruit production and processing has the potential to become a major industry in the Delta 2,000 hectares of new fruit orchards will be planted, each with an average size of 50 hectares. Annual turnover could rise to Ksh. 1.2 billion within 15 years.
Investment opportunities
Juice processing, canning, drying, packaging and distribution.

Sunflower can grow in less fertile and semi-arid areas and are commonly inter-cropped with or used as a rotational crop for cereals. Sunflower is an oil seed crop, a good source of premium-grade edible vegetable oil. Many consumers worldwide are turning to sunflower oil as a healthier cooking option. Sunflower is also a good source of protein for animals. It is one of the key ingredients used in the manufacture of animal feed. Demand for sunflower for edible oil production currently exceeds supplies. With its conducive soils and ideal climatic conditions, the Tana River Delta offers potential for sunflower cultivation.
Investment opportunities
Sunflower cultivation, edible oil extraction, processing, packaging and distribution.

Soybeans can be grown in tropical areas as one way of enriching soils. The Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) has developed a variety suited for the Tana River Delta. Soybeans are ideal for intercropping with other traditional crops and have market value for food and fodder.
Investment opportunities
Soybean processing

Community Conservancy
The establishment of an Indigenous Community Conservation Area (ICCA) within the Delta offers an opportunity for developing ecotourism based on its unique biodiversity and status as a Ramsar site (wetland of international importance). Visitors can enjoy birdwatching, wildlife viewing, boat rides, cultural tours, among other recreational activities.
Investment opportunities
Ecotourism, hospitality and catering