Investment Opportunities

- Transforming Lives
- Spurring Economic Growth
- Sustaining Nature Values
Investment opportunities in the Tana River Delta exist in primary production, value addition and processing.
Primary Production

Rice Farming
3,000 ha will be allocated for rice cultivation. This land will be transferred from TARDA to the Tana Delta Sustainability Board to ensure local engagement in this important industry with the potential to achieve production levels of three tonnes per hectare generating over Ksh. 500 million a year.
Investment opportunities
Rice farming, supply of seeds, implements and irrigation technologies.

The Tana River Delta Green Heart Project will create opportunities for both private and community-based enterprises using solar-powered irrigation. Five thousand Ha of farmland will be identified for growing tomato, chillies, green gram, cassava, beans, peas, melons, cowpeas, onions, kale, and cabbage. The average size of each community farm will be 50 hectares, resulting in the creation of up to eighty new farms on 4,000 hectares. A further 1,000 hectares will be allocated for farming extensive crops like maize, sunflower, and legumes. At full production, this area will produce over 125,000 tonnes of vegetables a year with a market value of Ksh 4.3 billion
Investment opportunities
Production, of high-value vegetables, supply of seeds, implements and irrigation technologies.

Livestock rearing
Currently, the Delta hosts an estimated 200,000 head of cattle during the rainy season. The Tana Delta Green Heart Project will establish 20,000 hectares of dedicated grassland for premium-grade cattle grazing. This area will progressively be managed for between 5-10 years with the capacity to fatten 50,000 head of cattle annually. An abattoir and meat processing facility will be put up near Garsen. Meat products from the Tana Delta will be marketed under an exclusive brand name to attract premium prices. Other livestock, including cattle, raised outside the core area would also form part of the overall marketing initiative.
Investment opportunities
Beef cattle rearing, supply of veterinary products.