The Tana River
Green Heart Project

Let’s take the first step together and promote the sustainable production, processing, and marketing of products from the Tana River Delta to create wealth and employment, improve local community welfare and livelihoods, and enhance biodiversity conservation. 

Industrial Park
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Investment Areas
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The Green Heart Objective

The Tana River Green Heart Project is a collaboration between the Tana River and Lamu County Governments, national agencies and international partners to:

  • Create wealth in a sustainable manner
  • Safeguard vital wetlands and other habitats in Tana River Delta
  • Boost the livelihoods of the 120,000 Tana River Delta inhabitants

Explore Investment Opportunities

Rice Farming

3,000 ha will be allocated for rice cultivation.


5,000 Ha of farmland will be identified for growing tomato, chillies, green gram etc.

Livestock rearing

20,000 hectares of dedicated grassland for premium-grade cattle grazing.

Community Conservancy

Establishment of an Indigenous Community Conservation Area (ICCA) within the Delta.

Our Vision for the future


Transforming Lives


Spurring economic growth


Sustaining Nature values

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